This story below is one of my many experiences, concerning out of body experience or spontaneous remote viewing.
It was a usual summer night in a remote Hungarian village in the midst of 1998. I was at home near this village in a small town, lying on my bed, falling into sleep. But something happened to me – distant in space at the same time – while I was sleeping at home. In the early hours of the morning a so-called “disco-accident” occurred near the village (a car hit a pedestrian in the early dawn). A young man was seriously injured in the accident, he fell into a weedy ditch after the hit, suffering permanent damage.
I didn’t participate in this accident, I was an absolute outsider, I was sleeping in my home far away, about twenty km away from the accident site. I wasn’t the disco-type man. I was sleeping at home, as I wrote before. At the moment, when the incident just happened, my consciousness was there at the accident’s scene, from its beginning to the end. I could say it was a dream, but it had been a live or vivid dream. It later turned out that it was the reality. I was in the position of one of the participants and watched the things that were done around me, via the consciousness of one of the guys, otherwise I watched the event from above. I actually watched the whole incident as a psychic participant, through the consciousness of one of the guys there. Everything that happened to him in that accident, I was watching through his eyes, or rather through his consciousness. I felt this event via expanded consciousness, the extension was the psyche of the other participants. I was aware of the thoughts and intentions of the other participants. In summary: I was there at the accident as a psychic participant, observer, where and how it had been done – meanwhile my body was lying in my bed far away. Every exact detail matched: green car (green, oh man, greeen), a uniform guy, four people, what they talked about, and so on. One of them in the car said they ought to flee from the scene, since no one could see anything around them because of the dawn darkness, so nothing will be disclosed. It happened this way.

In the morning, when I woke up in my bed, I felt that something sad had happened previously. This ominous feeling haunted me until a few hours later. Kilometres away and hours later, at my work some people and one of the concerned persons told me the whole incident likewise, in the same way, as I have dreamed before. It was an awful experience, everything was exactly like my dream. It was a strange working shift that morning.
There are more details about this story, but I think they’re confidential (there was a man from the armed forces, one or two glasses of drink for them, and so on). I know (and knew) all of the participants, including the injured youngster, who later told the other part of the story to me. It was nothing new for me, because I had been watching it with my mind, being distant in space at the same time.
It was a spontaneous OBE and rv’ing at the same time but I have the knowledge to make this state consciously.
This story is one of my best out of body experiences. I got instant and fast feedback with the exact facts I experienced. There was no difference between the true story and the mentally perceived event.
Out of body? Experience!

Remote viewing and other innate abilities >>
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