My name is Zoltán Barta. I am 58 years old, was born in a small town in northern Hungary as the only child of my parents and grew up in an even smaller village near that town. I always thought it is the center of the world, and to me still it is that. A strange world greeted me on Earth. Since my first conscious thoughts I have perceived the sensations and thoughts of other people. I perceived information regarding objects I was holding in my hands and I perceived distant occurrences via my consciousness. I saw things that happened earlier in the room or place where I entered. I have dreamed things that later happened exactly as I dreamed them before, even ten or more years later. My consciousness is able to appear in another place, different from where my physical body is at the moment. All this information came (and keeps coming) mentally, I see through them what a place (building, town) will look like in the distant future – and later they become true.
Experiencing the above, I started looking for the reasons and opportunities at my early young age. What are these and how are they working? Are they also working for other people? What I found in the first step was the Silva Method, and later the remote viewing. By the way, it cannot be a coincidence that Silva Method also has a kind of remote viewing subspecies.
To tell the truth, I did not have the opportunity here in Hungary, in those years, to read about matters like these (remote viewing, remote influencing, ESP, psychometry, second sight, telepathy, empathy, precognition, premonition, far seeing, OBE, etc.), so my early experiences could not have been a kind of any aftermath image of something read material, because I had read nothing about these topics. Later, as a young adult in the 1990’s years I read more about remote viewing. Then I realized I had been doing the same thing spontaneously since my early childhood. The only „official” experience I had had in this field was my participation in a seminar on the Silva Method here in Hungary in the late 1990’s. This course helped me improve my skills in some areas and to establish new benchmarks too. That was the beginning of a period of expanded capabilities. According to documents, remote viewing became widely known in the 1990’s upon the declassification of certain documents related to this topic. At that time, I had already long (since years) been practicing this method independently for several purposes, without any knowledge on what happened in the US.
After getting to know the remote viewing process in general, I did blind viewings according mainly to the ARV and CRV methods, involving external targeting websites (e.g. Target Monkey). My first task and my first success at the same time was the viewing of Borobudur’s temple photo. Unfortunately, I no longer have the picture I drew during the process.

One of my many experiences in the topic of automatic or spontaneous rving, or out of body experience, OBE. It was a hot, calm, but sad summer Saturday night in the year 1998, in a remote village in Hungary. In the early hours of the next morning, a so-called „disco-accident” happened near the village, a car hit another young, a pedestrian at early dawn („disco-accident”: locally used expression for an accident with a car, when the youngsters leave the discotheque excited after the party to go home). In the accident a young man suffered very serious, permanent injury, he fell unconscious into a weedy ditch after the hit.
I was an absolute outsider. I did not participate in the disco party or the accident at all. I slept in my bed at home, in the neighboring town (~20 km far from the accident’s site), because I had to go to work the next morning. But something strange happened to me – distant in space at the same time: I totally observed and experienced this accident through the consciousness of a participant – during my night dream. The next day, some people at work told me the whole story, exactly as I had dreamed it. Couldn’t be a mistake, the accident had many characteristic and typical details, which I perceived exactly as they happened at a distance from me.
Read this OBE/RV story here >>
My important experiences: not my mind/consciousness is projected to the target (in general), but the information and the needed details appear in my mind – permanently. Regarding other innate abilities: sometimes when I meet somebody and we are shaking hands or if I am simply touching them (even accidentally), or if I just have a look at the person, a kind of film begins to run in my mind about this human being. This film is similar to the mentioned images; they are extremely complex but not richly detailed. Sometimes the last or most significant thought, mood of this person appears as a complex film, in a specific scene. These phenomena are sometimes spontaneous – as I wrote above, at other times a question of volition (intentional), but I am able to control these formats each time.
At the end of the year 2010 I created my version to remote viewing. This is an intersection of the well-known methods and my own perception process. I named this „Sensitive RV” for its careful steps for the correct results.
I do know I am not the only one. Many people are searching for answers about their lives and they begin to realize psychic abilities inside (by receiving them – so to speak – spontaneously). Mentality, psychic skills are natural, built-in parts of the human race. If you are about to uncover them, if you if you accept that there is such a thing, you will surely encounter them.
When I am not practicing remote viewing, I am a state official during the working hours and an author in my inspired hours, I write short stories in Hungarian language. I am working on my book about remote viewing and other innate abilities, based on my experiences, hopefully it’s going to be ready soon.
Key phrases:
Joe McMoneagle said: „Excellence in remote viewing like any other paranormal activity is a result of – 33% talent, 33% understanding the rules, and 33% practice. You need 25% or better in all three to call yourself a virtuoso as a remote viewer.”
My own conclusion is (recognizing the truth of this wise quote above): „Quod natura dedit, tollere nemo potest.” – What is given by nature, no man can take away.
If you don’t know psychic abilities or remote viewing at all, try to interpret these by your own thoughts: remote viewing is psychic ability to transcend time and space and gather ‘remote’ information about unseen and/or distant targets, using more than the normal or known six senses. Or: remote viewing is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target using subjective means, in particular, extrasensory perception or „sensing with mind”.
So remote viewing is…
A [free-response] [intentionally controlled process] of communication which provides [accurate data] about [an intended target] for which [there is no known non-psi source of information] for the viewer.
Read more details at DojoPsi >>
Thank you for being here!
„For remote viewing to have a more positive influence on our future, it must be found useful at the grass roots level where goal oriented individuals can perceive its applications for the common good. Only those individuals who have made some effort to understand it as a personal experience will be in a position to comprehend more fully the potential of it. They are the advanced thinkers who will redefine the boundaries of consciousness.” Ingo Swann